Friday, August 26, 2011

Sandstone-Hosted U-V and Base Metal Deposits

Sandstone-Hosted U-V and Base Metal Deposits

 Both classes are hosted by continental to very shallow marine sediments
 The deposits are conformable, often associated with primary sedimentary features and is concentrated in bleached or grey-green organic and pyrite –rich beds
 The ores are diagenetic to epigenetic and, because of the prosity of the host sediments, are often characterized by a large number of brightly coloured secondary oxidation zone minerals
 Geographic Distribution: Western States, USA, Mesozoic fluviatile Sandstones and Siltstones
 Cu, Pb, Zn sulphide Deposits are concentrated into bleached horizons within reddened sequences, where they form syndiagenetic cements around elastic grains,
The primary and secoundary mineralization is controlled by the local prosity and permeability of the host rocks

Black Carbonaceous Shale Copper Deposits

Black Carbonaceous Shale Copper Deposits

 Stratiform deposits account for a significant proportion of the Worlds Cu reserves
 The sulphides are fine-grained reflecting primary sedimentary features
 Huge, essentially syngenetic/diagenetic ores found in shallow marine sediments associated with major transgressions.
 Anoxic conditions and bacterial reduction of sea water sulphate were importat controls on mineralization.
 The ores have both lateral and vertical mineralogical zonation related to paleogeographical conditions.
 Kupferschiefer: the zoning is: copper and silver passing upwards into bornitem then chalcopyrite and finally pyrite
 Zambian Copper Belt: chalcopyrite passing basinwards into bornite then chalcopyrite and finally pyrite

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Questions in Sedimentary Rocks

Questions in Sedimentary Rocks

A: compare between each of the following?
1)   Matrix – Cement
2)   Conglomerates – Breccias
3)   Orthoconglomerate – Paraconglomerate
4)    Polymictic conglomerate – Oligomictic  conglomerate
5)   Mudrocks – Shales
6)   Grain fabric – Grain morphology
7)   Arenites – Wackes
8)   Litharenite – Sublitharenite
9)   Sphericity – Roundness
10)     Packstone – Wackestone
11)     Neomorphism – Cementation

Description of Sedimentary rocks

Description of Sedimentary rocks

1.    Components :(( Grains)) Qz %, Feldspars % (lamellar twinning), rock fragments %, other components.
                               ((Matrix)): (May be Qz or Feldspars or Clay) 
2.     Grain size : Gravel(more than 2mm) or Sand (1/16 to 2mm) or Silt (less than 1/16mm)
3.   Grain/Matrix ratio :
4.   Roundness : Very angular or sub angular or rounded
5.   Sorting : Poorly sorted or mod sorted or well sorted
6.    Grain shape : Spherical or tabular or rod shape or equant 
7.    Supporting : Grain supported or Matrix supported
8.    Cement chemical : Calcareous or Ferrigenous or Siliceous
9.    Maturity compositional: Mature (Qz more than 90%)  
                                                Immature ( Low Qz and   More  Matrix )       
Texture  : If  Matrix more than 15% so its Immature
                If Matrix less than 15% and low to mod sorting so it will be mature
If Matrix less than 15%and will sorted and will rounded it will be Super mature .
10. Name 

Earth Structure

Earth Structure

The core
The inner part of the earth is the core. This part of the earth is about 1,800 miles (2,900 km) below the earth's surface. The core is a dense ball of the elements iron and nickel. It is divided into two layers, the inner core and the outer core. The inner core - the center of earth - is solid and about 780 miles (1,250 km) thick. The outer core is so hot that the metal is always molten, but the inner core pressures are so great that it cannot melt, even though temperatures there reach 6700ºF (3700ºC). The outer core is about 1370 miles (2,200 km) thick. Because the earth rotates, the outer core spins around the inner core and that causes the earth's magnetism.

The Mantle  
The layer above the core is the mantle. It begins about 6 miles(10 km) below the oceanic crust and about 19 miles(30 km) below the continental crust (see The Crust). The mantle is to divide into the inner mantle and the outer mantle. It is about 1,800 miles (2,900 km) thick and makes up nearly 80 percent of the Earth’s total volume.  
The Crust

The crust lays above the mantle and is the earth’s hard outer shell, the surface on which we are living. In relation with the other layers the crust is much thinner. It floats upon the softer, denser mantle. The crust is made up of solid material but these material is not everywhere the same. There is an Oceanic crust and a Continental crust. The first one is about 4-7 miles (6-11 km) thick and consists of heavy rocks, like basalt. The Continental crust is thicker than the Oceanic crust, about 19 miles (30 km) thick. It is mainly made up of light material, like granite.

The Atmosphere

 The Atmosphere

The earth is surrounded by all kind of gases. This layer is called the earth's atmosphere. Without this atmosphere life on earth isn't possible. The atmosphere gives us air, water, warmth and is protecting us against harmful rays of the sun and against meteorites. This layer around the earth is a colourless, odourless, tasteless 'sea' of gases, water and fine dust. The atmosphere is made up of different layers with different qualities. It consists of 78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen, 0,93% argon, 0,03% carbon dioxide and 0,04% of other gases. The Troposphere is the layer where the weather happens; above this layer is the Stratosphere. Within the Stratosphere is the Ozone layer, that absorbs the Sun's harmful ultraviolet rays. Above the Stratosphere is the Mesosphere, the Thermosphere - in which the Ionosphere - and the Exosphere. The atmosphere is about 500 miles (800 km) thick.



·        Wallboard − The use of gypsum-based wallboard, once common only in the US and Canada, has spread to virtually all developed countries. The gypsum core provides a strong, fire-resistant, and inexpensive construction material. The -100 mesh stucco (hemihydrate) form is used. Japan is the largest user of synthetic gypsum products in wallboard, because it lacks natural gypsum resources. The other major source of synthetic (FGD-based) product for this market is Germany, which serves all of Europe. Most of current US wallboard production is based on natural sources.

·        Portland cement − Uncalcined gypsum crushed to -11/2 +3/8 inch is used with portland cement to retard the setting time of concrete. This is the primary market in developing countries.

·        Soil conditioners − Gypsum rock ground to -100 mesh is used in treating alkaline, saline, and clayey soils, and as a source of sulfur. In the US its main application is in the cultivation of peanuts.

·        Other uses − The hemihydrate form is used in a wide variety of construction and industrial plasters. Minor amounts of purified gypsum are used in glassmaking and as a white filler (terra alba) in paint and paper. “Soluble anhydrite”, made by dehydrating gypsum into porous, highly absorbent granules, is used as a desiccant


·        Gypsum CaSO4 · 2H2O
·        Refractive Index: 1.52-1.53
·        Specific Gravity: 2.32
·        Mohs Hardness: 2
-  Gypsum is hydrated calcium sulfate formed by the evaporation of brines. Commercial deposits invariably contain some anhydrite (CaSO4), the anhydrous form of calcium sulfate, and may also contain clay minerals, silica, limestone, dolomite, and soluble chloride and sulfate impurities. Gypsum is beneficiated solely by selective mining and screening. Products are typically white to off-white and range from 80 to 95% purity. The
principal commercial use of gypsum is based upon the ability of calcium sulfate to readily take on and give up water of crystallization. The dihydrate (CaSO4 · 2H2O), as mined, is converted to the hemihydrate form (CaSO4 · 1/2H2O) by partial calcination.  When hemihydrate is then mixed with water, it hardens as it returns to the dihydrate form.


Feldspars occur as solid solutions between their principal end member (Na, K, or Ca) compositions. Commercial products in most cases are employed for their chemistry (aluminum and alkali content) and are generally characterized accordingly. Certain products are more broadly described in geological terms.
·        Alkaline feldspar − This is feldspar with chemistry ranging between the potassium and sodium end members.
·     Plagioclase feldspar − This is feldspar with chemistry ranging between the sodium and calcium end members.
·        Potash spar − Potash spar is principally orthoclase or microcline and contains at least 10% K2O.
·        Soda spar − Soda spar is mostly albite and contains at least 7% Na2O.
·        Calcium spar − This is principally anorthite.
·        Aplite − Aplite is a grainy granitic (containing quartz and alkali feldspar) rock containing a substantial proportion of plagioclase. It is also called lime-soda feldspar. Low-iron aplite is sold in the US for glassmaking.
·        Feldspathic sand − This is natural silica sand containing 10-35% feldspar, usually potash spar or soda spar. This sand is described, in decreasing feldspar content, as river sand, dune sand, and beach sand.


Iron ore mining methods vary by the type of ore being mined. There are four main types of iron ore deposits worked currently, depending on the mineralogy and geology of the ore deposits. These are magnetite, titanomagnetite, massive hematite and pisolitic ironstone deposits. Most large hematite iron ore deposits are sourced from metasomatically altered banded iron formations and rarely igneous accumulations. Hematite iron is typically rarer but it is considerably cheaper and easier to beneficiate and requires considerably less energy to crush and grind. Hematite ores however can contain significantly higher concentrations of penalty elements, typically being higher in phosphorus, water content and aluminium.
The iron-ore bearing rock is first blasted and dug up from open pit mines, then crushed, smelted in furnaces. To make steel, it is then alloyed with metals like nickel, chromium, manganese or titanium. These alloys give steel special properties like electrical resistance, and resistant to wear, rust, impact, shock or expansion when heated. The cooled steel is shaped and can be coated with tin, zinc or paint to help protect it from rusting.

Size exclusion chromatography

Size exclusion chromatography :

Subdivided into
1 -  gel filtration
2 – gel permeation chromatography

Use aqueous solvents and hydrophilic packings.
 nonpolar organic solvents and hydrophobic packings .
Packing for size-exclusion chromatography consists of small silica or polymer particles containing a network of uniform pores into which solute and solvent molecules can diffuse . 

Advantage of Size-Exclusion Chromatography

1 - Short separation time
2 - Good sensitivity
3 - Freedom from sample loss
4 - Absence of column deactivation

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

HPLC Instrument

 HPLC Instrument

1-Mobile-Phase Reservoirs
           One or more glass or stainless steel reservoirs

2-Pumping Systems

3-Sample Injection Systems:
              Syringe injection through a self-sealing elastomeric septum

4-Chromatographic Columns
    -Guard Columns
Ø  Remove impurities from solvent
Ø  Saturates mobile phase with liquid of stationary phase before the analytical column
-        Analytical Column
           Copper or stainless steel tubing straight, 15 to 150 cm in length; 2 to 3 mm packing - silica gel, alumina, ….

5-Column Thermostats


Types of Gas Chromatography

Types of Gas Chromatography

l Gas liquid chromatography   GLC
The mechanism of separation is based upon the partition of the analyte between gaseous M.F. and a liquid  S.F. immobilized on the surface of an inert solid

l Gas solid chromatography   GSC

GSC is based upon adsorption of gaseous substance on solid surfaces.

GLC Instrument

      Carrier gas supply ( M.F.)
      Sample injection system
      Column configuration and column ovens
      Detector systems
      Readout systems

Mechanisms of chromatography

Mechanisms of chromatography

n Adsorption
         A charge interaction occur between the active group of the sample and the sorbent S.F.

n Partition
   The separation depends upon the distribution of the compound of the mixture between the mobile phase and a liquid stationary phase according to partition coefficient value.

n Ion Exchange
                   Ion exchange contains labile ions that are capable of exchanging with ions of the same change in the sample.

The Absorption Law

The Absorption Law:

       The absorption law, also known as the Beer's law, tells us quantitatively how the amount of attenuation depends on the concentration of the absorbing molecules and the path length over which absorption occurs. As light traverses a medium containing an absorbing analyte, decreases in intensity occur as the analyte becomes excited. For an analyte solution of a given concentration, the longer the length of the medium through which the light passes, the more absorbers are in the path and the greater the attenuation.

Types of analyses with electromagnetic radiation

Types of analyses with electromagnetic radiation:

Absorption spectroscopy
 Depend upon measurements of absorption are often made by the analyte when exposed to EMR

Emission and Chemiluminescence Spectroscopy
Depend upon the EMR produced or emitted when the analyte is excited by thermal, electrical or radiant energy.

Photoluminescence Spectroscopy

 The emission of photons is measured following absorption of radiation.

Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR)

Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR)

     Is a form of energy.
     It has a dual nature.
     Possesses properties of both discrete particles which are termed photons and of waves.
     Related by Planck equation
                                                               E = h v
                E : energy of a single photon
                V : frequency of the wave
                h : Planck’ constant (6.625 x 10-34) J.s

Atomic Absorption Spectrometry

Atomic Absorption Spectrometry

    Atomic spectroscopy is used for the qualitative and quantitative determination of 70 to 80 elements. The methods can be based on absorption, emission or fluorescence. Here , we briefly consider the most important of these techniques .

1. This technique is applied for direct analysis of metals, but it can be applied in indirect determination of non-metal.
2. It based on using of line source as excitation source.

3. The sample should be analysed in the gaseous state, so atomizers are required.

High-performance liquid chromatography

High-performance liquid chromatography

HPLC is the most versatile and widely used type of elution chromatography. The technique is used by chemists for separating and determining species in a variety of organic , inorganic and biological materials.

Liquid chromatography (LC)used to separate analytes in solution including metal ions and organic compounds. The mobile phase is a solvent and the stationary phase is a liquid on a solid support, a solid, or an ion-exchange resin.

Ion-Exchange chromatography

Ion-Exchange chromatography

Based upon exchange equilibria between ions in solution and ions of like sign on the surface of an insoluble , high-molecular-weight solid .

Clay and zeolites ,
synthetic ion-exchange resins  .

Formed during emulsion copolymerization of styrene and divinylbenzene.

The mobile phase are aqueous solutions that may contain moderate amount of methanol or other water-miscible organic solvents .

Application of Thin-Layer chromatography

Application of Thin-Layer chromatography

( a ) Qualitative Analysis :
     Retardation factor Rf
The Rf value for each substance is the distance it has moved divided by the distance the solvent front has moved .

                  Travel distance of analyte
 Rf  =         Travel distance of solvent

(b) Quantitative Analysis
1 – Comparing the area of a spot with that of standard .
2 – Scraping the spot from the plate , and measuring the analyte by suitable physical or chemical method .
3 – Scanning densitometer

Applying Molecular Spectroscopic Methods

Applying Molecular Spectroscopic Methods

    Molecular spectroscopic methods are among the most widely used of all instrumental analytical methods. Molecular spectroscopy based on ultraviolet and visible radiation is used for the identification and determination of a huge number of inorganic, organic and biochemical species.

o                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       The electronic transitions are due to absorption of radiation by specific types of groups or bonds.
o                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       The wavelength of absorption and the intensity of the absorption are dependent on the type.

Deviation from Beer’s Law

Deviation from Beer’s Law

Instrumental deviations

       Fluctuation in the electric power.
       Stray radiation that can strike the detector without passing through the sample.(-ve)
       The use of polychromatic light.
       Reflection loss error resulting from an inaccurate response of detector.

How to Minimize the instrumental deviation
       Use constant power supply.
       Using narrow bands of radiation.
       Restricting absorbance measurements varies from about 0.2 to 1.
       Painting the cell compartment with black paint.

Chemical Deviations.

Deviations from beer's law appear when the absorbing species undergoes:
Association-dissociation reactions
Acid-base reactions
Polymerization reactions
Complexation reactions
Reactions with solvent

To minimize chemical deviations
       Adjust the pH by using buffer solutions.
       Adding a large excess of complexing agent.
       Ionic strength adjustment.
       Preparation of a calibration graph over the measurement range.
       By choosing wavelength for the analysis at which all of the absorbing species have the same absorbitivity .